School of Basic and Applied Science Seminars & Workshops - Sangam University

School of Basic and Applied Science Seminars & Workshops

May 15, 2023

IAS Sh. Ramesh Kumar Jain delivered a motivational talk to the students

Retd. IAS Sh. Ramesh Kumar Jain delivered a motivational talk to the students in School of Basic & Applied sciences and share his expertise for the preparation of the competition examination. It was a great learning experience for the students of M.Sc & B.Sc programs, 5th October 2018
May 15, 2023

GPS point at various objects of the earth surface

Ground Truth verification done by M.ScGeoinformatics students for getting GPS point at various objects of the earth surface..16 October 2018.
May 15, 2023

Conducted Health and Oral Hygiene Awareness Camp in Aanganwadikendra of Gatilakhera Village

SU Social Connect: School of Basic & Applied Sciences BSc and MSc Chemistry I Year students with faculty members conducted Health and Oral Hygiene Awareness Camp in Aanganwadikendra of Gatilakhera Village and distribute Oral hygiene kit and donate Stationary items for their education.. 16 October 2018.
May 15, 2023

School of Applied Sciences visited Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd

Students of M.Sc Chemistry and B.Sc program of School of Applied Sciences visited Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd at Rawabhaata to understand the procedure behind production of atomic power on 13 November 2018.
May 15, 2023

Application of Mathematics in our life

National mathematics day was celebrated by the Department of Mathematics, Sangam University for paying tribute to the great mathematician SrinivasanRamanujan today. On this occasion Department organized talk, seminar along with a poster competition. The theme of the program was "Application of Mathematics in our life". The aim of this program was to boost the students interest in the field of Mathematics.
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